The Warwick Summer Blast Tournament will once again will be held across two weekends this coming August. The tournament is a great deal at $795 for a 4 game guarantee (full length games) and over the last 7 years has served as a great preview for the upcoming season. We have hosted numerous National Champions and no less than 20 National Qualifiers and District Champions.
The weekend breakdown is as follows:
Squirt B-3 Spots
Squirt AA-Full
Peewee A-1 Spots
Peewee AA-1 Spot
Bantam A-1 Spot
Bantam AA-Full-10 teams
Midget 16A-1 spot
Midget 16AA-Full-10 teams
Midget 18A-Full
Midget 18AA-Full 10 teams
Attached is the brochure and feel free to contactmattmontagna@gmail.comwith questions
Also follow on Twitter @WarwickSumBlast